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Total Joint Replacement Clinic
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Joint Replacement Clinic

Welcome to the IOS Joint Replacement Clinic

What is it and who can attend?
The IOS Joint Replacement Clinic is designed to provide
you and your family with information and education regarding your
upcoming total joint replacement surgery at IOS. It is our goal to get you
ready for your surgery, answer your questions, prepare you for what to
expect while you are a patient in the hospital at IOS and plan for
your recovery after surgery.

What happens during the clinic?
You and your family will be given instructions about your upcoming joint replacement surgery by members of our healthcare team that will be caring for you during your stay with us. You may also view a video presentation and participate in some demonstrations of equipment and exercises. You will be given a collection of important written information and instructions for your surgery and recovery. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Preparations for surgery including what to bring to the hospital
  • Expectations during surgery
  • Expectations after surgery including pain management
  • Physical Therapy
  • Equipment needs
  • Instruction on medications that will be taken at home
  • Instructions on what you will need at home
  • How to identify signs and symptoms of complications
During the clinic you will be meeting some of the staff that will care for you, there will be time to ask questions, tour our facility, and have demonstrations of some of the equipment that you will be using after surgery.

When is the clinic?
The Joint Clinic is held every Tuesday. The OIO staff will assist with scheduling your class.

Joint Replacement Clinic is at 8:30 am.
Arrival time is 7:30 am if pre-op testing is needed.

Hip Joint Replacement Clinic is at 10:00 am.
Arrival time is 9:00 am if pre-op testing is needed.

What if I have a question?
You can contact our nurses, Pre-Admission Testing Coordinators, at 567-940-3241.

...back to Getting Ready for Surgery

Pre-Admission Testing
Joint Replacement Clinic
Is It The Right Time For You To Quit Smoking

IOS Joint Replacement Clinic

IOS, 801 Medical Drive, Suite B, Lima, Ohio 45804
801 Medical Drive
Suite B
Lima, Ohio 45804
Phone:  419-224-7586
Fax: 419-224-9769