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Getting Ready for Surgery

After you and your doctor decide that surgery is the right solution for you and your
condition/ailment, a surgical treatment plan will be created. A big part of
this plan is preparing you for your surgery, which includes pre-op testing,
and the following:

Having Doctor Exams

In addition to receiving an exam by your surgeon, you will also need a consult
from your family doctor and/or an internal medicine specialist, to medically
clear you for surgery. Your doctor(s) will ask you questions about your medical
history and talk to you about any chronic conditions, like high blood pressure
or diabetes that may need to be controlled before surgery. Your doctor will
also instruct you to finish any dental work and want you to heal any infections
(i.e., MRSA) before your surgery, as well as encourage you to stop smoking
prior to surgery and give you tips on proper nutrition in order to ensure a better
post-operative recovery.

Getting Lab Tests, X-rays and Managing Blood Loss

Tests that may be ordered to help evaluate your medical condition include, but are not limited to: blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) and a chest x-ray. Your blood may be typed and screened if you meet criteria. This is done should you need a blood transfusion from a donor unit to replace blood loss during surgery. Most of the physicians at IOS use several different devices to help recycle your own blood lost during and after surgery, called autotransfusion. Although these techniques decrease the odds of needing a blood transfusion from a volunteer donor, there is always the possibility that your recycled blood is not enough and a blood transfusion from a volunteer donor may be necessary. Know that you will be asked to sign a special consent to receive a blood transfusion. If your religion or personal values do not permit you to receive blood transfusions, please discuss this issue with your physician, PRIOR TO SURGERY, so alternative solutions can be identified.

Talking About Your Meds

It is very important to notify your doctor of ALL medications that you are taking including herbal supplements, diet pills and natural medications. Your doctor needs to know if you take aspirin, anti-inflammatory meds, blood thinners, Coumadin, Glucophage, Insulin or other diabetic medications. Accurately sharing your medication regimen with your doctor and anesthesiologist will help avoid problems during surgery and during your recovery.

Participating in Clinics

If you are having surgery to replace a joint, you will be invited to attend a Joint Replacement Clinic. These are special learning sessions to help prepare you for your upcoming surgery and instruct you on what to do the night before your surgery.

Registering and What to Bring

At your assigned time, report to IOS to be registered for surgery. Please enter the second door on the right in the main lobby.

Pre-Operative Area

After registering, you will be taken to the Pre-Operative Area where a nurse will get you ready for surgery and you will meet with your anesthesiologist. You will then be transported into the surgical suite.

If you have questions about preparing for surgery at IOS, please contact Marian Raines, RN, at 419-224-7586.

Pre-Admission Testing
Joint Replacement Clinic
Is It The Right Time For You To Quit Smoking
IOS, 801 Medical Drive, Suite B, Lima, Ohio 45804
801 Medical Drive
Suite B
Lima, Ohio 45804
Phone:  419-224-7586
Fax: 419-224-9769